All about Eczema

When you or a loved one is suffering from ECZEMA, it may feels like no one really understands what is it like.

The struggle living with Eczema is real. But you are not alone! We are with you and we understand you! And always remember you are beautiful and perfect, exactly as you are. 

This guide will help you to understand what Eczema is and some of the common types of treatments. 

1. What is Eczema?

Eczema is the name for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become red, itchy and inflamed.

In some more severe cases, skin can become extremely inflamed or scaly & the outbreaks can be very painful.

Eczema is a very common condition. It often occurs in young children and babies. Though you can develop eczema at any point in your life, even if you've never had a skin condition before.

It's important to note that eczema is not contagious - you can't catch the condition from another person or give it to anyone through proximity.

For parents with young children, eczema can be difficult to manage because children tend to scratch the area which irritates it further. It's important to narrow down the triggers and causes for a child's eczema and treat the condition proactively to reduce outbreaks.

For adults, eczema can often be cause for embarrassment. It's difficult to feel confident when different areas of your skin don't look its best and they are always itching and hurting.

2. Who gets Eczema and what is the cause?

The truth is that anyone can get eczema, though it's most commonly begins in childhood.

For some patients, eczema can be a temporary condition that they outgrow. For many, eczema might be a mild condition that reoccurs throughout their life but can be controlled and managed. In other cases, the symptoms can be severe and patients will need to be very proactive in finding therapies that work to reduce their pain and symptoms. The severity and length of outbreaks can be dependent on the type of eczema and certain environmental and lifestyle factors.

There is no definitive cause for eczema. Current theories indicate that there may be both genetic and environmental causes involved. There are a number of triggers that may be involved in your condition. These are external factors that are known to contribute to eczema outbreaks. Paying attention to things like diet, environmental agents, cleansers and lotions, as well as lifestyle issues can give you a good idea of the types of triggers that impact your own outbreaks.

Allergens can often lead to eczema outbreaks and these will be different for each individual. Some common culprits include types of food, laundry detergents, and cleaning chemicals. For many, lifestyle issues can lead to an outbreak. Stress is a known factor in eczema. You might also find poor diet or lack of sleep to be a contributing factor.

3. Sings and Symptoms of Eczema

Any of the following symptoms can be present with certain types of eczema (most people will only exhibit a few of these symptoms):

  • Hand Eczema. Because we use our hands regularly and handle many different types of materials, outbreaks here can be difficult to control and more painful.

  • Itching. Eczema is often itchy. This might range from a mild inconvenience to a very uncomfortable and ceaseless discomfort. For some eczema sufferers, the itching is so severe that they scratch the area, causing more damage and lengthening the recovery time.

  • Redness. The skin around the area may appear red or the coloring may be part of the rash often associated with eczema.

  • Swelling. In some cases, there is swelling at the outbreak site which can be uncomfortable. Depending on the location of the swelling, outbreaks might impede regular movement, such as a swelling at a joint.

  • Rash. In many cases, eczema presents as a rash in set areas of the body or on the face.

  • Blisters. Some sufferers will blister due to their eczema. This can be very uncomfortable and it's important to maintain a good care routine to aid in healing and reduce the chances of skin infection.

  • Crusting or Weeping. Skin may appear crusty or scaly in some areas or include weeping of the wounds which should be monitored closely to reduce chances of infection.

  • Discoloration of the Skin. There may be areas of the skin which appear darker or discolored in some way.

4. Types of Eczema

Eczema is the universal term used for a number of types of dermatitis. There are six different types of eczema. Each type has individual causes and symptoms associated with it. Some individuals have more than one type of eczema, so they need to be aware of the differing treatments and which type might be flaring up with set symptoms. Note that eczema is differentiated from psoriasis, due to psoriasis being an auto-immune condition. 

It is important to be aware of the type of eczema you have in order to plan the best treatment for your skin and health. The best way to determine your eczema type is by consulting with a physician and getting a proper diagnosis. 

The Six Types of Eczema:

  • Atopic Dermatitis. Atopic Dermatitis is the most common type and the term, "eczema" is often used interchangeably with this condition. It's most common in babies and can range in severity, from mild rash and itching to severe crusting or weeping of skin. Scratching the area where the rash appears can irritate the skin and worsen symptoms. This type of eczema may be chronic or you may outgrow it with time as symptoms become less frequent.
  • Contact Dermatitis. This is exactly what it sounds like - a rash that appears after contact with an allergen. Contact dermatitis can occur in any area of the body where the contact occurred and will often clear up within a few weeks, if not sooner. The best way to avoid future flare ups is to figure out what the allergen was. In some cases, this can be very simple. If you came into contact with a new soap or product, it's fairly easy to eliminate that from your daily use. You can, however, develop allergies at any time, so the allergen might be something you've used before with no adverse reaction. The symptoms might include a rash, blisters, or irritated, inflamed skin. Over the counter creams can relieve the itch and pain.
  • Dyshidrotic Eczema. This condition can sometimes be referred to as "foot and hand eczema" because the flare ups most commonly appear on your hands or the soles of your feet. Symptoms often include blisters which can be painful and itchy. It may take several weeks for the blisters to clear up and the skin will often remain dry and cracked for a period after the blisters have disappeared. This can be a chronic condition that flares up on occasion. In some cases, the flare ups may be so severe that it's difficult to walk when the blisters are on the feet.
  • Nummular Eczema. This type of eczema is known for its coin shaped appearance. If often looks similar to ringworm and it's important to have the area checked by a physician to make sure it's properly diagnosed. Like other forms of eczema, there isn't a known cause. This type of eczema is characterized by lesions that may ooze or scab. The skin is often irritated around these lesions and sufferers often complain of severe itchiness. This type of eczema can also be difficult to treat and may not respond to lighter over the counter medications. Unlike other forms of eczema, most of those who have nummular eczema often clear up with no further flare ups or chronic eczema issues.
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis. This type of eczema is most often located on the scalp. Symptoms include scaly patches and dandruff. This is a common condition in infants which is often referred to as "cradle cap". In adults it can also impact oily parts of the skin, such as different parts of the face. You'll notice that the condition flares up in  cold or dry weather, though it's often easy to treat with good self care.
  • Stasis Dermatitis. This type of dermatitis occurs in the extremities, most often the lower legs or feet. Stasis dermatitis is caused by poor circulation where so much pressure builds up the veins that it leaks out into the skin. One symptom of note is swelling in the feet or ankles which may disappear during sleep but return again the next day. The reason for this is that the cause for the swelling is poor circulation and this issue is alleviated when your feet are even with your heart (laying down). Other symptoms include irritated, discolored skin, achy legs, and itchiness. This type of dermatitis occurs in those with circulatory issues and most often those over the age of 50.

3. How to treat Eczema?

  • Prescription Medications. If you’re asking your doctor, most of them they’ll prescribe you corticosteroids which will help you short term but on a long term they have very harmful side effects on your health e.g. thinning of the skin, increased vulnerability to infection, hypertension, osteoporosis etc. Therefore we recommend first to try treat your Eczema naturally before getting harmful medications - of course only if your condition allows it. 
  • Lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle improves the way your body feels and behaves, and that extends to your eczema. Some tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle include getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and maintaining a balanced diet. Often flare ups can be attributed to dietary issues, so it's important to pinpoint any triggers you have and try to minimize your exposure. A healthy lifestyle should also extend to your emotional and mental health because stress is a well known cause for flare ups. 
  • Natural Treatments. Moisturizers developed to treat eczema can be an excellent way to reduce itchiness and improve the skin overall. Our MAGIC RELIEF CREAM provides natural ingredients that help to soothe and relieve the symptoms, while helping the skin heal.

4. Relieve your skin with the ultimate MAGIC RELIEF CREAM

4.1. What does it do?

Our MAGIC RELIEF CREAM moisturizes & calms your skin down while reducing redness and itchiness. It controls your eczema and inflamed skin by soothing and moisturizing it. It helps to soothe and relieve the symptoms, while helping the skin heal.

4.2. Who is it for?

The MAGIC RELIEF CREAM offers a blend of high quality ingredients to support people & even babys living with all sorts of Eczema, Psoriasis Gutata, Ichthyosis or just extremely dry skin with a cooling & soothing cream. 

4.3. Why is it so effective?

Because we only use the best high quality & most effective ingredients.

Some of them are:

Calendula - also known as the wound healer. It helps promote fast healing and regeneration of the skin thanks to it’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Heals Skin Irritation &Wounds
  • Helps Acne-Prone Skin
  • Heals Dry Skin
  • Treats Fungal Skin Infections
  • Soothes Skin Diseases

Evening Primorse Oil - Evening primrose oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that has been used to treat everything, including female reproductive tissues, blood channels, the respiratory passages, and the nervous system.


4.2. How to use it?

Our MAGIC RELIEF CREAM can be applied on all skin types and can be applied anywhere on the skin. To get the best results it needs to be applied to the affected areas twice a day. We recommend 1 x in the morning and 1 x in the evening.
To seal the moisture in the skin, the Magic Relief Cream is very suitable after showering.

In order not to interrupt the healing process, please try to follow the application consistently and not to miss a single day.

I know on a very personal level what it feels like to be trapped in own skin and want to crawl out of it so badly. Seeking many years for answers, solutions to relief my bad skin condition, answers for itch-free, beautiful and healthy skin. Out of this long search our formulation for the MAGIC RELIEF CREAM were born. The mixture of high-quality ingredients supports you in your fight against skin diseases, which inhibit inflammation and relieve itching. It gives your skin rich care, moisturizes and soothes it gently. Your skin is protected and renewed by the moisture barrier.

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